Diabetes Care

We provide personalized diabetes care to each client after a comprehensive care assessment performed by our Care Coordinator which may include on the followings

ü     Inter-professional team – Nurse Specialist, Chinese Medicine Practitioner.

ü    Health assessment, specific and Individualized Health care plan.

ü   Self-management education and support on medication, self care, nutritious meal plan and exercise.

ü   Self compliance with the health care plan, and get control of the disease.

ü   Patient reminder on follow-up appointments, drug collection and vaccination, etc.

ü   Blood glucose monitoring.

ü   Telehealth support, supplemented with updated information.

ü   Health advices on health promotion and disease prevention.

ü   E-learning programs for client and care providers. 

Contact us

Our Care Coordinator will meet you face-to-face conducting a thorough comprehensive assessment to develop a personalised care which is tailored for each client.  The Care Coordinator will analyse the assessment data to determine your needs (diagnose).  A designated experienced nurse / care-giver with relevant expertise will be arranged to provide (execute) professional and smart care to you.

With on-going monitor, our nurse / care-giver will evaluate care or collaborate with other health care discipline, e.g. Physiotherapy, Dietitian, as appropriate.  Both client and family members will be educated on self-care, health promotion and life style modification to promote quality of life.