11th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2023
南丁格爾居家康護入圍由Ageing Asia主辦、有「安老服務界奧斯卡」之稱的「第十一屆亞太區創新老年照護項目大獎」(The 11th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2023),榮獲入選「年度最佳居家護理服務營運者」(Operator of the Year - Home Care) 決賽。再次感謝大會評審對我們工作的認可,未來將會致力朝改善長者的醫療和生活繼續努力,為社會出一分力!
FNHHN works had been recognized again by the "Oscar of Elderly industry" - The 11th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2023, and being shortlisted as finalists in the categories of the "Operator of the Year - Home Care".