GBA Seminar Series on International Homecare Nursing Standard & Practice
國際居家護理標準及實踐 - 大灣區系列座談
22 - 24 April 2024
Organized by Florence Nightingale Home Health & Nursing Limited title sponsored by the Florence Nightingale Foundation (Hong Kong), the "International Home Care Standards and Practices - Greater Bay Area Symposium Series" was successfully held from April 22 to 24, 2024. Experts from the International Home Care Nurses Organization (IHCNO) - Dr. Susan HINCK the President, Ms. Barbara PISKOR the Past President, and Mrs. Marilyn HARRIS the Treasurer, held large-scale symposiums in Hong Kong, Macau and the Greater Bay Area (Nansha District, Guangzhou) to provide information to various places Community and home-based medical & nursing care staff shared international experience, and inspected home care agencies, community care facilities and large hospitals in various places.
由南丁格爾居家康護公司主辦、南丁格爾基金會(香港) 冠名贊助,「國際居家護理標準及實踐 - 大灣區系列座談」於2024年4月22-24日成功舉行。國際居家護士組織(IHCNO) 專家 - 主席 Dr. Susan HINCK、前任主席 Ms Barbara PISKOR、司庫和 Mrs. Marilyn HARRIS 於香港、澳門及大灣區(廣州南沙區) 三地舉辦了大型座談會,向各地社區及居家醫護人員分享國際經驗,並考察了各地的居家護理機構、社區護理設施及大型醫院等。
- IHCNO 專家代表團
- 成守珍教授 (中山大學附屬第一醫院護理部主任/廣東省護理學會理事長)
- 張旭紅院長 (香港社區及公共健康護理學院院長)
- 尹一橋教授 (澳門鏡湖護理學院院長)
Related News 相關報導:
- Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macau S.A.R.中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室
- People's Daily Online 人民網
- The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat Sen University中山大學附屬第一醫院
- Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau澳門鏡湖護理學院

《萬通保險呈獻: 開心大笪地》
將於11月舉行!同我地嘅開心大使修哥 (#胡楓 先生) 一齊參與呢個創新慶祝活動🎉,探索幸福地老新潮流🥰 !每日首500位出示樂悠卡可獲精美福袋一份,更可現場參與有獎遊戲,豐富獎品,人人有份🎁!
日期:2023年11月11-12日 (六及日)
地點:荃灣愉景新城 L1中庭
FNHHN 2nd Anniversary Cocktail Reception
9 October 2023
The FNHHN successfully co-organized a Cocktail Reception celebration event with the Hong Kong Community Care Society on 7 October 2023 at the Hotel ICON. We have honorably invited Dr. The Hon. LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP (ExCo Member, HKSAR) as the Officiating Guest, Dr. the Hon. LAM Tzit-yuen (LegCo Member, HKSAR) to deliver congratulating remarks, and Dr. LIU Shao-haei, MH (Founding President, The Society for Innovative Healthcare Hong Kong) as the Keynote Speaker. It's our honour to announce that Dr. The Hon. LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP has accepted to be the Honorary Patron of FNHHN at the occasion.
南丁格爾居家康護(FNHHN) 聯同 香港社區護理學會(HKCCS)於2023年10月7日下午,假香港九龍尖沙嘴東唯港匯成功舉辦週年慶祝誌慶酒會。當日邀請到行政會議成員 林正財醫生 SBS JP 出任主禮嘉賓,並邀得香港立法會議員(醫療衛生界)林哲玄醫生出席致賀辭;大會同時邀得香港創新醫療學會創會會長 劉少懷醫生 MH 就未來醫療創新的發展作主題演講。同時於活動當日,本機構十分榮幸獲香港行政會議成員、基督教靈實協會行政總裁林正財醫生 SBS JP首肯,正式擔任FNHHN 的榮譽贊助人。

FNHHN signs MoU with China Merchants-Colisee
Florence Nightingale Home Health & Nursing (FNHHN) actively committed to promote the development of the industry, establishes close partnerships with Old Aged Homes and industries around the world, expands cooperation networks, and strengthens exchanges in ageing-in-place.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the China Merchants-Colisee and us, for exploring co-operation opportunities for providing high quality of care and ageing-in-place at the Greater Bay Area of PRC.
- 如何聆聽與回應
The Bright Side of a Patient's Painful Life - How to Listen and Respond
講者: 劉麗儀女士(播道醫院主任院牧)
Speaker: Ms LAU Lai Yee (Chaplain In-charge, Evangel Hospital)
Date: 6 May 2023
FNHHN 邀請到劉院牧與參加者分享靈性護理的重要性,尋找出病人在痛苦生命中閃亮處,透過貼心有效的聆聽與回應,為病人提供護理時不只局限於得到生理上的照顧,更要感受到心靈上的護理,讓患者得到更完善的全人護理。

FNHHN signs MoU with Tung Wah College
18-8-2022Florence Nightingale Home Health & Nursing (FNHHN) actively committed to promote the development of the industry, establishes close partnerships with universities and industries around the world, expands cooperation networks, and strengthens exchanges in teaching, research and practice.
Dr. Alice Tso, the Founder of FNHHN and Ms. Gloria Luk, the Care Coordinator of FNHHN visited the Tung Wah College (TWC) and being welcomed by Professor Sally Chan, President of TWC, at the signing ceremony. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between TWC and us, for exploring co-operation opportunities in student internships and short courses, etc.
The Service Philosophy of FNHHN
by Ms Gloria LUK, M.H. - Care Coordinator of FNHHN
護理主任 陸秀娟女士M.H.
One-day Workshop of Life and Death Education
【 二「人」三「囑」— 生死教育一天工作坊】
我們定期參與工作坊,生有涯而學無涯, 學到老活到老,終身學習才會走得更遠!

【 Opening Ceremony】
【Quarterly Tea Party】
We regularly host Tea Party for our clients and care workers to share their caring experiences, and build up the connection and strengthen the boundary among patients, their carers and our home care service workers.